Psychiatrist Aaron Beck, founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), posited that what we think influences how we feel and ultimately, how we interact with ourselves as well as those around us.

Negative and/or distorted thoughts that have been developed are identified and processed in therapeutic sessions and then replaced with more positive and realistic thoughts and ideologies about the self and the world at large.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI)
CBTI guides patients through a series of changes in sleep-related behaviors. The focus is on addressing the three factors that contribute to the persistence of insomnia:
Conditioned arousal
Identifying and eliminating habits that were developed in an effort to improve sleep but have become ineffective.
Reducing sleep-related worry and other sources of heightened arousal.
Benefits of CBT
Short-term therapeutic modality
Places control with the client and not in external situations
Focus placed on the future, not on the past
Effective with a multitude of mental health concerns